In Your Right Mind

with Monique Rhodes

A Bite-Sized Podcast Packed with Inspiration and Wisdom

Struggling with setbacks can feel overwhelming, but what if every challenge holds a hidden opportunity? Today, I explore how we can train ourselves to uncover these opportunities even in the toughest times. This mindset shift isn’t about ignoring the difficulties but about transforming adversity into a source of strength and growth. I’ll share a personal story that highlights how facing challenges together can create strong bonds and lead to new opportunities. Ready to turn your challenges into stepping stones for happiness? Listen to this and learn how to transform your perspective and unlock true fulfillment.


Happiness is often thought of as a distant goal, something that requires monumental achievements or significant life changes. However, the truth is that happiness can be found in the small, seemingly mundane moments of each day. By recognizing and appreciating these moments, you can transform your daily life into a more joyful and fulfilling experience.


Ever feel overwhelmed by the pursuit of success? Today, I explore the often unseen side of achieving our goals—the entire journey, not just the glamorous outcomes. Many of us chase after the end result, but true fulfillment comes from embracing both the benefits and the drawbacks along the way. Ready to fall in love with the journey, not just the destination? Tune in to this episode and discover how to find lasting happiness and fulfillment through a holistic approach to your goals.


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by trying to get everything done? Instead of focusing on simply accomplishing more tasks, I encourage you to be selective about where you invest your time and energy. Learn how to set clear priorities, say no to tasks that don’t align with your goals, and embrace the journey of meaningful growth. Join me in rising above the relentless pursuit of busyness and investing in what truly matters. Listen now and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.


Ever wonder why the company you keep matters so much? In today’s episode, I talk about the profound impact that the five people you spend the most time with have on your attitudes, behaviors, and success. I’ll guide you through evaluating your current circle and how to strategically align with people who uplift and inspire you. This episode is all about creating an environment that fosters positivity, motivation, and growth. Tune in to learn how to choose your inner circle wisely and harness the power of your relationships to propel you toward happiness and success. Join me, and let’s rise together!


Finding daily happiness amidst the hustle and bustle of life can feel challenging. However, mindfulness offers a simple and effective solution. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, aware of where you are and what you’re doing, without becoming overly reactive or overwhelmed. When you practice mindfulness, you can better appreciate the little moments


Ever feel like your emotions are uncontrollable forces of nature? Today, I’ll share with you a groundbreaking insight into neuroplasticity and its incredible potential to reshape your emotional landscape. Join me as I reveal practical steps to harness this power and create a more fulfilling, emotionally balanced life. Don’t miss out on the secrets to transforming your emotional responses and boosting your happiness.


Feeling overwhelmed by the turmoil around you? In this episode, I discuss the importance of maintaining emotional stability during uncertain times. Discover how to stay calm and composed, influence your own well-being, and inspire those around you. Find out how to ground yourself in the present moment and avoid fear-based thinking. Join me as I share practical tips for navigating challenges with resilience and grace. Embrace the power of your mind and become a beacon of hope and strength in these challenging times. Listen now and take the first step towards a more stable and hopeful mindset.


Ever feel that constant unease creeping in? In today’s podcast, I tackle the deep-seated longing for certainty and security that often leaves us feeling unsettled. We explore why we chase stability through external achievements, only to find life’s unpredictability shaking our sense of control. From daily annoyances to major life shifts, we uncover how these disruptions trigger emotional turmoil. But here’s the twist: by embracing mindfulness and cultivating inner stillness, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience and ease. Join me as we delve into practical strategies to find peace amidst the chaos and build a foundation of stability within ourselves. Tune in to this episode and start your journey towards lasting happiness and fulfillment.


In today’s podcast, I discuss the profound connection between physical health and personal growth. Understanding this connection allows us to take a holistic approach to self-improvement, enhancing how we think, feel, and experience life. Join me as we uncover practical ways to improve our happiness and resilience on this journey.


In this episode, I discussed the importance of taking responsibility for our reactions to life’s challenges. Using a personal story about two students arriving late to my class, I illustrate how our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences and emotions. We can transform our perspective and find peace by questioning our immediate reactions and understanding that our triggers are internal. This practice not only helps us in relationships but also empowers us to create a life we love. Join me as I explore these insights and more in today’s episode.


Today, I share a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges: the question, “What would love do?” Through a personal anecdote about a canceled early-morning podcast recording, I illustrate how this question can transform our reactions from frustration to compassion. By taking a moment to consider how love would respond, we can approach situations with greater kindness and understanding. This practice not only nurtures our relationships with others but also enhances our own happiness. Tune in to learn more about integrating this loving perspective into your daily life.


Emotional intelligence is about understanding and handling our own emotions and those of others. It’s the key to building strong relationships and navigating social complexities with ease and happiness. In this episode, I’ll share ways to better perceive, manage, and express our emotions.


In this episode, I delve into the concept of mantras and how they differ from intentions. While many people use the term mantra to signify personal affirmations like “I am enough,” true mantras have a deep spiritual significance, acting as vehicles of the mind that protect and purify it. I explain how chanting these ancient sounds can transform your mental state, providing calming and healing effects. This episode offers clarity on using mantras in meditation and the profound impact they can have. Listen in to explore the powerful practice of mantras and how they can enhance your meditation journey.


Ever find it tough to finish what you start? Completing tasks not only builds perseverance but also boosts confidence. In this episode, let’s discover how to conquer this challenge and enjoy the journey of personal growth it brings.


Today, I share a deeply personal journey of connecting with Michael, a death row inmate, through the song “Dear Michael” from my album “Awakening.” I discuss the profound questions of worthiness and love, pondering if there ever comes a point when someone is no longer deserving of love. Reflecting on my experiences as a professional musician and my transformative relationship with Michael, I explore the impact of unconditional love and the power of showing up for someone society may deem unworthy. Tune in to uncover the boundaries of love, and consider who in your life you might be putting on your own “death row.” Listen and join me in this exploration of empathy and connection.


Society often limits love to romantic relationships, but I see love as something more profound. It blooms in friendships, family bonds, and even in brief moments with strangers, creating meaningful connections beyond typical norms. Join me in this conversation as we embrace love as a mindset and a way of living.


In today’s episode, I delve into a question I often receive: “How do I know when to end my marriage?” While I’m no marriage specialist, I explore the habitual patterns we fall into and emphasize the importance of self-reflection. By examining our fears and working on ourselves, we can gain clarity and potentially transform our relationships. I share practical advice on how to approach this journey, including a year-long commitment to personal growth. Join me as we uncover the path to understanding and fulfillment in our relationships. Tune in for insightful guidance and inspiration.


I delve into an insightful conversation with a listener who experienced anger during a confrontational incident. We explore how negative emotions, particularly anger, often mask deeper fears and unresolved issues from our past. By examining the roots of these emotions, we can uncover false beliefs and fears, leading to profound personal growth and healing. Tune in to learn how facing and understanding your emotions can transform them from obstacles into powerful allies.


Our challenges often arise not from the events themselves, but from how we communicate about them. Whether it’s at home or work, misunderstandings can cause more harm than the issues themselves. Join me as I explore how we can communicate better and create positive connections together.


Today, I address a poignant email from a listener grappling with the pain of global suffering, particularly the war in Ukraine, and the feeling of helplessness it brings. I discuss the pervasive nature of wars worldwide, highlighting that many conflicts go unnoticed due to biased media coverage. I emphasize the importance of balancing awareness with maintaining our own well-being, and how becoming a light in our local communities can create positive change. By staying informed selectively and focusing on empowering those around us, especially women, we can cultivate a more nurturing and peaceful society. Tune in to explore how you can transform personal and collective pain into meaningful action and become a beacon of hope in your world.


Here are a few of my most popular podcast episodes:

Everything Will Be Alright : Manifesting Reality With Your Thoughts

This can be so hard for us to believe. However, when we do, we end up making wiser problem-solving decisions.

Fly Me To The Moon : Why Small Gestures Matter

It can be easy for us to think that we have to contribute in significant ways to make a difference. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

A Reflection On Depression

This podcast is about coping with negative emotions and thoughts. However, it also discusses depression. It is in response to a question. I hope it is helpful.
