Do you ever find yourself disappointed when people don’t act the way you expected? In this episode, I explore how we often create stories about others based on our assumptions, only to feel hurt when they don’t match up. I’ll share insights on letting go of expectations, seeing people as they truly are, and offering love without conditions. Discover how releasing these stories can lead to more freedom and genuine connection.
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How very powerful! I don’t think I am anywhere near that strength. So big, so big.
This has helped me so much. Bless and thank you Monique.
This is very important. I see a patterns, because I withdraw. I will change that without feeling I am setting myself up for more Hurt, but in a wise way 😘. Thank you 💖
Wow, that was super powerful — this dynamic has replayed over and over again in my life. I have never heard anyone speak about it before! So wise. I notice a trait in myself to quickly label someone I just met as “such a great person” as if my declaration will make it so. Needless to say I have been disappointed many times by people because they don’t live up to my expectations for them and I need to own my role in this. It reminds me of the quote by Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” I so desperately want people to be good, kind, honest, fair, generous, caring that I will sometimes look past clues that they are not that. You did not specify what you friend did, but I cannot always continue to love them as you can Monique. If someone shows me they are dishonest or hurtful towards others, I will not be able to have them in my circle. I will go away peacefully, I cannot expose my heart to them any longer. I really appreciate your wisdom Monique.
Big hug Monique, key takeaway: it’s not about who they are, it’s all about who we are: Integrity and honesty ❤
Powerful!!! Wow, I never saw it presented in this light. What a learning moment for me. Sorry for your pain but thanks for sharing. You truly walk your talk.🥰
Thank you Monique. That is such a learning curve. You carry such wisdom. We still retain certain memories dont we and have a choice to make something good out of it for ourselves……peace of mind and what is right for us. Spread the love.