Welcome to Monique's live classes! We're dedicated to ensuring your experience is seamless and enjoyable. Follow these guidelines to optimize your setup for a smooth session:

Testing Your Equipment:
Open your Zoom application.
Click on your profile picture (top right corner).
Select "Settings."
In the left menu, choose "Audio."
Under "Microphone," select and test your preferred device.

Audio Check:
While in Zoom settings, navigate to "Audio."
Click on "Test Speaker" to ensure clear audio output.

Joining a Test Meeting:
Visit Zoom Test Meeting.
Click "Join" to enter a test meeting.
Verify that your microphone and speakers are functioning properly.

During the Live Class:

Zoom Etiquette:
     Use your name: For Monique's benefit, please use a Zoom account under your own name.
     Video: Keep your video on to foster group connections.
     Headphones: Opt for a headset or earbuds for clear sound during interactions.
     Minimize distractions: Find a quiet space free from background noise and activity. If needed,                                                  disable your video temporarily.
     Punctuality: Aim to join the session five minutes early. Monique starts promptly!

Thank you for your cooperation. Let's embark on an incredible learning journey together!
